RT @mor10: Come listen to some of the best in the business share their insights on how to make the web a better place for everyone at @anev…
This week starts the taper before the marathon. Didn’t have time to grab my own photo since nature was calling. Hopefully that’s not going to be a problem again for my morning runs. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRGuss The post Wrapping Up The Final Week Of… timn.me/2NPP6gd
Today marks the last of my longer training runs as the taper begins before marathon day. The temp this morning was in the high teens which resulted in a pretty frosty beard. I ended up pushing things a little harder than the training plan called for, but… timn.me/3aukBGf
Got out and tackled a 5+ mile run. I was happy to see the sidewalk plows had been out which made for nicer running conditions compared to Saturday. It was a good run just focusing on getting the miles in and not so much what my pace was. #HWI #Run4Water … timn.me/2v9avKR
Some days you have a hard run, then there are some days where your it’s just brutal. Today the deep coat of fresh snow got the better of me. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRGus I was even doing my best just stick with my training plan running pace of 11:01/… timn.me/2RwdmEW
Today was a short assessment training run, basically 12 minutes of giving it all you’ve got. It’s preceded by, and follows, a 5 minute warmup & cool down run respectively. I did an out-and-back while giving myself some distance for a final cool down walk… timn.me/35YOTgX
I could tell from the start that it was going to be a tough run. I even made a point of going to bed early the night before, because I was going to need to be up by 3:45am to get my 11 mile done at a decent time. I made it to 10 miles…
@singareddynm I don’t think I’m in any way elite, and I’m not rich with lots of disposable income. However, I run 1-2 marathons per year because I #Run4Water as I help to bring clean water to Africa. The other side benefit is losing over 100 lbs and getting healthier through training.
While today was a recovery run pace the miles almost doubled from last week. With only 3 weeks until race day the miles will increase for a short time but then will start decreasing weekly up to race day. #HWI #Run4Watet #WhyIRun #GRGus Give to clean wa… timn.me/36QtMhQ