RT @jon_bossenger: Dear independent #WordPress plugin and theme developers. error_reporting=E_ALL display_errors=On and define( ‘WP_DEBU…
RT @CalEvans: So, after having spent a total of 1/2 a day at a non-tech conference, I’ve got a few thoughts for my developer buddies and co…
RT @hellofromTonya: Developers, conference organizers, sponsors: Read this thread. Great insights 👇 to get us “out of the bubble” https://t…
RT @dimensionmedia: I shared a few relatively inexpensive speaker gifts ideas in latest mycamp.rocks newsletter: https://t.co/bc…
RT @daycamp4devs: Day Camp 4 Developers. Because it’s time YOU are the smartest person in the room. daycamp4developers.com/email-list-sig…
@helenhousandi @aaroncampbell So @aaroncampbell I’ve been using your Reveal.js WordPress plugin, what’s your feeling about your plugin vs the Automatic one? I sort of wish they would have just started contributing to yours instead of creating their own, but such is the ecosystem of WordPress.