The Blessings of Water on a Hot Summer Run To think about not having water on these hot runs, or water that will make you sick so you can’t even run, really puts our privilege in the U.S. into perspective. #Run4Water #WhyIRun #HWI #KCC #GRHalfMarathon
@alpipego @ChrisWiegman This seems like the opposite of what was the original concern. So we don’t want WordPress to advance but we also want WordPress to advance. You can’t have it both ways, decisions have to be made. Coding standards help everyone, I honestly don’t understand your complaint.
First Saturday Morning Hope Water Group Run, So Happy To Be Back Great to be back running with the #HWI team and getting to know some #KCC family as well. #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRHalfMarathon
Getting in an Easy Tuesday Run Back Home, After a Hard Monday Campground Run Back in the neighborhood before I start a busy day back home. I’ll be heading back out to the campground after working from home today. #HWI #KCC4Water #WhyIRun #GRHalfMarathon
Even When Away, And Things May Be Not Working, You Can Still Run It turned out to be a run where I just had to gauge my distance based on how much time it might take mele Maps I went father than I needed to. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #KCC #GRHalfMarathon
Getting Back To It When God Provides The Way I finished up my run this morning with a tough second half. This seems to be the norm right now, but every day I ser to being able to make it farther or longer. #HWI #KCC #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRHalfMarathon
Losing the Motivation to Run #WhyIRan It’s rather frustrating how far I’ve fallen in my running from where I was just a couple of years ago.
Choosing to Run Instead of Staying in Bed This morning was another battle with myself wanting to just stay in bed. However I did succeed in get out there and getting some miles in.
Starting Off Another Week With A 4 Mile Run, And Feeling Good It was hard to get up this morning but after getting out the door, and getting some time in, I finished my run and actually felt good both physically and mentally.