@bamadesigner Yeah, I’m the same as you. I’ve got the arm pain, but also a massive bump where the shot was administered, hoping that goes down otherwise I’ll have start lifting weights with the other arm to balance out the “muscle” look. LOL.
Is It Time To Just Run To Run, And To Be Active? I don’t know exactly what it is but I feel like I’ve lost my joy of running. Maybe it’s time Ind putting in some time without the need to hit a pace or a distance? #training #plans #marathon #race #joy timn.me/3n3NCPD
@topher1kenobe Content migration between WordPress instances seems to always be a challenge. WP All Export/Import is about the closet thing I have found that can help. However, I’ve also had major problems with that plugin especially on hosting like Pantheon.
Almost A Tuesday 5K Starting off the week with a short “easy” run even though my training called for an interval run. Even though I’m typically one to follow alan pretty closely, I know where I’m at right know with my fitness level. #5K #training timn.me/3wUs5h4
It’s Not About The Speed Right? It was a hard sluggish run that made it clear how out of shape I’m in. I have a lot of work to do this year if I’m going to even consider completing another marathon. #training #5K #marathon timn.me/39XU6dw
@ChrisWiegman @jon_bossenger I’ve been using the WP Core env NPM package for since it is designed to be a plugin/theme first setup. npmjs.com/package/@wordp…
@jon_bossenger Docker, either though the @ForumOne CLI(github.com/forumone/forum…), for work, or the #WordPress Core wordpress/env(npmjs.com/package/@wordp…) NPM package for the plugins I maintain.
RT @jon_bossenger: #WordPress developers, doing a little research. What local development environments are you using in 2021. Please RT for…
Starting Again With A New Plan, For Now Back to the #AdidasRunning app and on a #5K #training plan to take me to the end of May. I don’t have any race that I’m training for but I may end up doing a virtual race at some point. #running timn.me/3rusPp2