I’ll be happy to help anyone looking for answers, come find me in my sweet new #WCGR shirt on Saturday! twitter.com/WCGrandRapids/…
@johnediii @topher1kenobe The “click” is exactly what drives me crazy, CLI all day long for me please. 😉
Seeking Wisdom timn.me/2tzWwKg
RT @JustinFerriman: Looking forward to @WCGrandRapids, it’s only one day but has a helluva speaker line-up. @chrislema, @JJJ, @MrKyleMaurer…
RT @WCGrandRapids: Tickets are still available, but limited. With our helpful volunteers, outstanding speaker lineup, and friendly sponsors…
RT @WCGrandRapids: Heading to #WCGR this Saturday and wondering about lunch? Well, we have a map for that! 2018.grandrapids.wordcamp.org/lunch-map/ or check…
Back At After A Long Weekend Break timn.me/2yJjjbB
@hellofromTonya @mor10 I’m curious about this lazy lading you speak of. I know of many lazy lads. 😉
RT @hellofromTonya: I support @mor10 ticket to add lazy-lading API in WordPress Core. Check it out and let’s get this done https://t.co/sG…