@EricMann As a parent of an ASD child, Aspergers, I have huge concerns about broad laws that will take my daughter’s rights away. And I will be highly against anyone that proposes anything broad and not very specific.
RT @WorldIPv6Launch: What is #IPv6, and why aren’t we there yet? – A Network World piece with statistics from our measurements page and hig…
started a #Runtastic live tracking session. See my progress live and cheer me on: tinyurl.com/y9murbkw #runtastic #Android
I liked a @YouTube video youtu.be/cXVXQTITS7s?a You’ve Got a Friend in Me – Randy Newman – FUNK cover feat. Kenton Chen!
RT @bamadesigner: Dear #WordPress devs: if you store data in post meta or options, please use a global prefix for your field keys. It makes…