Stepping This Up On Training Week Two #HWI #Run4Water #RiverBankRun Hoping to steps things up another notch this week and also get all 4 of my runs in this week. I need to work off all of that Thanksgiving food…
@srikat Even when I did use an actual IDE(PhpStorm), I now use Neovim, I always found the GUI integrations severely lacking beyond the basics. Which means I run into a lot of people using Git that really don’t understand it beyond what their GUI tells them.
@ChrisWiegman What network is Xfinity Mobile running on? If it is Sprint/T-Mobile then you may not see any improvement moving to actual T-Mobile. All of those other “carriers” are always just using the networks of one of the big 3(formerly 4).
@roddio1 @bamadesigner I’m not 100% sure if it’s a slow rollout or not for regular Twitter app users but if you’re like me and use something other than the full Twitter app(I use the PWA lite version) we don’t see this Fleet thing.
I got out for a long overdue Saturday run, a “long run” as the training plan classified it. As expected, since it was a timed run I got more distance in than what was called for since pace is always a challenge for me. I still only got 3 runs in this wee…
RT @tessak22: I’m in search of developers interested in participating in a research around developer motivations. The research will be base…
@KJRichards Yep, we’re right there with you too. We even tried to establish an agreed upon standard of staying safe and quarantining so we would all feel comfortable gathering, that was met with comments of “we can’t guarantee anything”.
RT @worldhopeorg: 1 in 3 women and girls experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime. In some communities, women are in consta…
@angiemeeker Put a damper on my productivity at work today. I had a wide open day and didn’t get nearly as much done as I’d hoped. 🤷🏻‍♂️