@AmazonHelp my deliver was supposed to be yesterday, @USPSHelp says they haven’t even received the package in their system yet.
RT @AndroidPolice: [Freebie Alert] Hurry: Packt Is Giving Away The Android NDK Game Development Cookbook For Free andp.lc/1O2zqMi
@BitbucketStatus @Bitbucket we need to get code deployed and this PR issues is blocking all CI for our team. What’s the ETA?
@amazon why am I paying for Prime free 2 day shipping when you are shipping via @USPS who can’t deliver on time to save their life?
@akismet what is going on with the 3.1.6 release? Totally broke my site with a 500 internal server error! “akismet.php on line 49”
I liked a @YouTube video from @johnsonlightsho youtu.be/90oZ52M4IC0?a 2015 Johnson Family Dubstep Christmas Light Show – Featured on
RT @daybreaktv: Experience Shine, a Christmas show for the entire family, featuring live music, dancing, drama and holiday cheer. https://t…