@earnjam @bph @helenhousandi @redcrew @markjaquith Yeah, so there is an aspect of if you set the _ombed_time to a value in the future then it should stay cached. Because just using the TTL filter is determining if the oEmbed should be refreshed based on when it was created.
@earnjam @bph @helenhousandi @redcrew @markjaquith That’s right, I knew it was related but didn’t really dig in to where that TTL for the cached post meta was. Is there a core method that already exists to update the cache expiration? There is still the concern of how to accomplish that without negatively impacting the site.
@bph @helenhousandi @earnjam @redcrew @markjaquith I think what I saw is that the other oembed_time entry might be the thing to update. But would need some testing.
@bph @helenhousandi @earnjam @redcrew @markjaquith By increasing the TTL with the hook this can be accomplished, however, as @helenhousandi pointed out there is danger in trying to do that in bulk. If publishers have a lot of old embeds they are trying to hang on to then editing of the stored TTL would be the…
@helenhousandi @bph @earnjam @redcrew @markjaquith My other thought was if Twitter wasn’t actually sending full Tweet content in their oEmbed that required a pull from them on page load, like obviously happens with YouTube to a degree. That doesn’t seem to be the case for Twitter.
@helenhousandi @bph @earnjam @redcrew @markjaquith Yeah, I saw your notes in the commit and knew that you and Mark had to have had very clear reasons for the current implementation. And without trying some things with a plugin first I wasn’t about to go down the road of looking at changing core. 👍🏻
@helenhousandi @bph @earnjam @redcrew @markjaquith The topic wasn’t about trying to clear the cache quickly. The whole thing started with Twitter oEmbeds turning into links instead of actual Tweet content. So something seems off with the oEmbed cache if that happens somehow.
@helenhousandi @bph @earnjam @redcrew @markjaquith This is more about setting longer cache timing. The fact that a provider sends a cache_age may mean they want a long cache time to help rate limit to protect their end. Setting a long TTL by the consumer is about protecting the cache and site performance.
@helenhousandi @bph @earnjam @redcrew @markjaquith I was thinking that a plugin that would allow site owners to control the TTL by oEmbed source perhaps, or be able to set an option to use the provider’s cache_age for the TTL. But I hadn’t looked further @helenhousandi but the TTL is acted upon on content edit right?