Jacob is too old for this now, but I don’t think my wife would have gone for it. Bummer. 🙂 nltf.am/Yuz61N
Looking forward to this. I’ve got the Zip file downloaded so I might have to try the update. 🙂 nltf.am/WsTjI3
+Page Cxvi is giving away 74 songs to celebrate 7 years of music. Spread the word! pagecxvi.com/jubilee #jubilee
For those fellow +Verizon Wireless Galaxy #Nexus owners you have been shafted and can’t get Google Wallet on their… nltf.am/15s8TUT
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Hi. This is an automated reply. I’m sleeping. Call if you want me to get up and take the call.
I was one of the fortune few who had access to this sort of education when I was in high school. I would love to s… nltf.am/WgSty3
Love it! skitguys.com/videos/item/on… #DaylightSavings +The Skit Guys nltf.am/ZxGv0i
Sorry +SwiftKey but Flow does not even compare to #Swype . I’ve been trying for a couple of days now and it just d… nltf.am/WfOIZI