I just unlocked the “Great Outdoors” badge on @foursquare for checking in at outdoor spots! Freedom! 4sq.com/MBzLbG
RT @Syfy: Remember, #Warehouse13 and #Alphas return with NEW SEASONS on Monday night! If you’re a fan, pls help spread the word 🙂
I’m a Superfan of The Pretender on @GetGlue is.gd/uURxDf
Just starting season for. is.gd/Rvbfmq @GetGlue #ThePretender
RT @followatlantic: A TON of students just raised their hand saying they gave their lives to Jesus last night @ntscamp #ntscampradical # …
I unlocked the Doctor Who 2012 Teaser Trailer sticker on @GetGlue! bit.ly/Oxhz0K
RT @amazonmp3: Queen’s Greatest Hits album is $2.99 today. It’s pretty great if you like singalongs or high fives: amzn.to/Q0hYQA
If you are a Batman fan enter for a chance to win Batman Begins and The Dark Knight on DVD: wfi.re/kmcmt
Win a pair of IMAX movie passes for “The Dark Knight Rises” from Celebration! Cinema woobox.com/zqy47z/1dmkmo