@netbeans Is there currently a problem with http://plugins.netbeans.org ?
RT @sitepointdotcom: jQTouch Makes Web Development on the iPhone and iPod Touch a Snap http://bit.ly/aN6mtT
♥ Meet Us Here by The Glorious Unseen #lastfm: http://bit.ly/cdfMS0
♥ All Along by Remedy Drive #lastfm: http://bit.ly/cMUs0j amazon: http://bit.ly/mEq7T
RT @dealsplus Hey! Retweet this to win an Apple product in an hour. Don’t forget to follow @dealsplus. http://bit.ly/9aq1Su
Hanging w/ students (@ Daybreak (3501 Baldwin, Hudsonville, MI))
Anyone looking for a PHP/Web Developer the right offer will steal me away from Ericsson. Always looking for an exciting opportunity! #in #fb
Working on the website (@ Daybreak (3501 Baldwin, Hudsonville, MI))
Enjoying another relaxing day (@ Home)