@ChrisWiegman @topher1kenobe Ooh, I didn’t know about that extension, I’ll be giving that a whirl on my work machine tomorrow. Thanks @ChrisWiegman !
@topher1kenobe On Linux I’m going to be looking at this hluk.github.io/CopyQ/ since I have been in this same boat of pasting to “temp” files.
@jottes @mattbanks If you are able to submit your translation on the translate.wordpress.org site I can pull it from there for inclusion in the plugin. WordPress should pull the translation from that site even if it’s not included in the plug-in directly.
@venikunche Yeah, I went to get some mulch for around our garden and it was also the only one wearing a mask and keeping my distance. Even the employees weren’t wearing a dang thing. I figured they were all a part of the same dumb group of people protesting with guns at our state capital….
@AardvarkSagus Fortunately my daughter has kept the damages to her own room for the most part. Well except for the paint on the garage, but that’s easy to fix.
@sarahjhackman I have one of those. In my case I’m back at a camp I had served at for 10 years, and resumed the role of Food Service Director. I walk in minutes before it’s time to serve guests with nothing prepared. I haven’t been in Food Service for 19 years, haven’t worked there in…
What Does It Mean When A Pandemic Hits A Country Already In Need ⠀ ⠀ As I ran another 5 miles this morning I couldn’t help but think about the added struggle #COVID19 is now causing in Sierra Leone. We don’t have to think about travelling 2 miles to … timn.me/2zeDD56