@topher1kenobe @JT_Richards It has scripting, albeit Python, but not sure how command line friendly it is.
@topher1kenobe @JT_Richards Hmm, this looks promising. picard.musicbrainz.org
@topher1kenobe github.com/richadams/php-… has a PHP client.
@topher1kenobe You could call the Gracenote service API. developer.gracenote.com/web-api
Join Me in Supplying Clean Water to Africa: timn.me/2Kx7NEr #Run4Water #WhyIRun #GRMarathon As the #HWI Team begins putting in even longer runs, working the way to half & full marathon distances, we have have an opportunity to bring awareness t… timn.me/2HizGgV
RT @phparch: Demystify OAuth for use in your app today. Read @mfrost’s book in digital or print ow.ly/oArM30pmlIL
RT @GRMarathon: Looking for a good warmup for a fall marathon or just a chance to run in a beautiful park this summer? Check out the Millen…
@topher1kenobe Because #PHP is sort of my jam, I’d just write a small CLI script and use id3_set_tag (php.net/manual/en/func…). Not sure if you also have these stored in Album/Artist folders?
The #HWI Team is helping communities in Africa to leave behind their unreliable, and unhealthy, water supplies. Every well that Hope Water helps to put in brings a village a water supplies that will keep them healthy and bring new life and hope. #Run4Wat… timn.me/2Zhq5Ny