I was out walking 9.49 miles on Feb 9 with #Endomondo #endorphins goo.gl/62QeQL
I was out walking 7.05 miles on Feb 7 with #Endomondo #endorphins goo.gl/hvuDF7
I was out walking 6.44 miles on Feb 8 with #Endomondo #endorphins goo.gl/Y6gV2f
Back In The Saddle After Marathon Rest Week timn.me/2TJJ4OP
@mattbanks @picklebush Update to the 1.3.4 release. Just tested and confirmed plugin should activate without issue. First on the 1.4 release will be activation unit tests to confirm plugin activation across PHP/WP/WC versions. Sorry for the mess up.
@mattbanks @picklebush yes, I’m on it actually, I just confirmed it on a PHP 5.6 Poopy.life instance. 1.3.3 was supposed to fix this but I had some issues and there was a mess up. 1.3.4 deploying shortly.
Finishing The Groundhog Marathon timn.me/2TufEEf
WooCommerce Local Pickup Time 1.3.2 Nearing Release timn.me/2Tjj8JT
RT @ndigitals: WooCommerce Local Pickup Time 1.3.2 Nearing Release ndigitals.com/articles/wooco…