@mor10 I’ve been using a Dell XPS 13 for the past year and my work is replacing it because it’s crashing multiple times a week. I’m running Linux and have rebuilt it from scratch twice. It just doesn’t have enough stability and power for me as a developer. My @system76 is on order.
#WordPress devs that are developing blocks. I’m using npmjs.com/package/@wordp… and I’ve create 2 separate block plugins, each plugins had a parent/child block setup. I’m using the Core as a model for registering multiple blocks. 1/3
@jeffr0 Not to mention that fact that requirements for receiving the check don’t seem to have changed. They need to be sending more money to those that actually need it. I also have to believe that everyone is going to be expected to pay taxes on this money.
I think I just tripled my donation to @HopeWaterIntl by donating as a part of the #wwwp5k Virtual Run and there is currently a $20,000 match going on with #HWI Thanks @automattic for matching donations as a part of the virtual run! donors.givz.com/charity/hope-w… #givz
RT @wordpressdotcom: Join us for the December 2020 #wwwp5k #virtualrun & celebrate the #WordPress community! Donate to a great cause & scor…
@ChrisWiegman @Josh412 @NabeelMolham @jon_bossenger Yeah, for me coding style is technically all personal opinion. My take will always be to just use the coding standards that have been defined by platform communities and let my IDE take care of formatting or code style fixers.
@ChrisWiegman Just had a long Slack conversation about coding standards yesterday at work. My take is that when I’m developing something for WordPress I’m going to use the PHP & JS coding standards that are provided for WordPress, and use the linters in my IDE.