@rajendrazore @enqueue_russ Depending on how the plugin is used and configured it can have performance impacts on your site. I’ve seen this plugin totally break sites depending on the rules added, especially if regular expressions are used.
@enqueue_russ @yoast Server-side is the best performing option. If there absolutely has to be some sort of redirection managed at the WordPress level then I’ll use wordpress.org/plugins/safe-r… from @10up
@enqueue_russ I will do what I can to not install Redirection.
RT @worldhopeorg: With the opening of classes, the indigenous Agay community adjusts to the current pandemic situation, learning to work wi…
Completing My 2020 Virtual Grand Rapids Half Marathon #GRMarathon #Run4Water #HWI To be honest, this morning didn’t feel like marathon day… Read More: buff.ly/3lWVf8G
RT @jon_bossenger: I’ve come to the conclusion that the “self documenting code” crowd have never had to work with folks who don’t speak Eng…
@jon_bossenger Yeah, doc-block comments can be more easily translated.
@dimensionmedia I’ve been hesitant since I’m not really keen on a comedy-based #StarTrek but I haven’t completely rejected it yet.
@ChrisWiegman Breaks are always good to be refreshed and rested. Take care of yourself my be friend.