@sprintcare why can’t you get my #MotoX activated that I bought from @Motorola ?
@Androidheadline bit.ly link is bad.
Let’s hope I actually get to enjoy my new #MotoX sometime next week if @sprint can actually get it activated. :-/ @Motorola
RT @daybreaktv: Countdown to Christmas! #ChristmasCountdown bible.com/bible/116/luk.…
So frustrated! How does it take 2+ days to activate a new #MotoX on @sprintcare ? Did @MotorolaSupport mess up my #Motomaker phone? #fail
Was out treadmill walking 1.80 miles with #Endomondo. See it here: bit.ly/1iClX47
Growing up I was involved with the church choir. We performed an annual Christmas Cantata. After college I had th… nltf.am/1ePsfrl
This has to be one of the top modern Christmas songs. A song that gets you to stop an think about what Christmas… nltf.am/18Cy3WH
Was out treadmill walking 1.80 miles with #Endomondo. See it here: bit.ly/1bfN9PF