@brackets downloads site appears to still be down. Also main brackets site isn’t listing Sprint 32 as the most recent build.
I liked a @YouTube video youtu.be/dhuUhaNIWLQ?a Super Clever Sunglass Illusion
Another #ManUp goodie. #ManUp13 nltf.am/1anBaw1
Another awesome #ManUp song. I need to create a #ManUp13 playlist I think. nltf.am/1anvNNg
Had an amazing worship time singing this song with 600+ men at #ManUp this past weekend. #manup13 nltf.am/15EngYd
I liked a @YouTube video youtu.be/SswMKsFaHWE?a Rend Collective Experiment – Come On (My Soul) OFFICIAL
Praying the #ManUp men today as we’ll inevitably face battles this week coming off the mountaintop. Stay strong men! #manup13
Tim Nolte and 1 other was tagged in Tim Nolte’s album. nltf.am/GVL01d
I have been blessed to spend the weekend with an awesome group of guys. #manup #manup13 nltf.am/1bom8IS