Enjoying a campfire with +Vanessa Nolte …great weather for it. nltf.am/15jbdBj
I’m at Daybreak Main Campus (Hudsonville, MI) 4sq.com/18HKSst
Love it. nltf.am/134BBtS
I liked a @YouTube video youtu.be/baQBTWd49j4?a PBS: The Movie (PBS Meets The Avengers)
I liked a @YouTube video from @pianoguys youtu.be/rR94NDIfGmA?a Michael Meets Mozart – 1 Piano, 2 Guys, 100 Cello Tracks –
I still won’t buy a Windows phone, lol. 🙂 nltf.am/132TMAp
Would it be bad if I thought it would be totally cool if this was how my son was dressed for Halloween this year?… nltf.am/132TPfk
Classic. 🙂 nltf.am/11XWWUn
This takes me back to my high school days. I remember having line dancing in gym class I think it was. nltf.am/ZWbqWf