I’m watching Star Trek: Insurrection bit.ly/LhDjxt @GetGlue #StarTrek
I just ousted Paul S. as the mayor of Allen Extruders on @foursquare! 4sq.com/rfeyqy
RT @GateWorld: Falling Skies earns a third season bit.ly/NwGghq
RT @CelebrationCnma: RT this for a chance to win The Amazing Spider-Man IMAX 3D passes from Celebration! Cinema. We’ll pick five winners …
RT @MailChimp: Using QR Codes To Get Email Signups From Crazy Busy People | MailChimp Email Marketing Blog j.mp/PkWspE
Hello @VerizonWireless happy to be a new customer, hoping ur service is better than @sprint, getting my new phone/service tomorrow. 🙂
Goodbye @sprint, take ur #etf, not paying 4 bad service. Should have taken some tips from iPCS in how 2 maintain a network. @sprintcare
RT @smashingmag: JQuery 2.0 Drops Support for IE6/7/8; API-Compatible with jQuery 1.9 – blog.jquery.com/2012/06/28/jqu…