Waiting for something to do #fb (@ Work, 4717 Broadmoor Ave, Kentwood, MI)
@Beanstalkapp How did you know which account was mine? 🙂
@Beanstalkapp I’d like to get in on Git
(w/ students) #fb (@ Daybreak (3501 Baldwin, Hudsonville, MI) ! Flood time)
Working (@ Work, 4717 Broadmoor Ave, Kentwood, MI)
Preparing for tomorrow (@ Home)
Might be hard to talk whe your mouth is numb, but not Tweet, 🙂 #fb
At the dentist ready to nip some cavities in the bud, not a big fan of the dentist
@thyone Fyi, do you have a personal website and/or resume of work/projects? A little info, this project is ministry focused.