What a pain in the butt trying to get a .tv domain name transferred from Register.com to GoDaddy.com, is this a lesser of 2 evils scenario?
Colored my twitter profile with themeleon by @COLOURlovers http://colourlovers.com/themeleon/twitter Isn’t it lovely?
RT @tweetmeme Christmas Giveaway Day 5: CSSEdit – Mac.AppStorm http://bit.ly/930ejg
It is a great day the new MapServer client has been moved to production. It was a long haul, but it feels good! #mapserver #fusion
Got the Fusion Geocoding widget done over the vacation, almost completed the cell site search widget today. #mapserver #fusion #openlayers
@ryannilsen http://twitpic.com/rbxlq – Fun! We got ours on Friday, all up an decorated now.
@abuaufa ru using MapServer and/or MapScript? What language?
Got the Map Address/Geocoding widget about half working. Just got to get the map to zoom in/refresh. #mapserver #fusion
Made a bunch of code fixes in Fusion for UMN MapServer. Well on the way to releasing the new client, hopefully in the next couple of weeks.