@PeterHaas1 I’m hopeful that we all come out of the other side of this and are able to put measures in place that we know work so that we can better handle the next virus to hit our country. And I hope that people will be able to realize the need to put others before…
@PeterHaas1 Regardless, I do agree that not all of the decisions were best, and perhaps made too quickly to get right. Given that there was too little known at the start, and there is still more to learn, it seems like erroring on the side of caution would be better than not.
@PeterHaas1 I think trying to compare fires and a virus was, as you said, comparing apples to oranges and it significantly tainted your message. If sticking to historical information of other viruses wasn’t enough to make your case then it’s harder to consider your points as valid.
RT @HallwayChats: We’re looking for folks to meet! If you use #WordPress, then we want to chat with + learn about you. Would you be a guest…
@andyfragen @markjaquith I’ll have to see how that might work with the wp-scripts/env NPM local development I’m trying to use. I’m more thinking about during development more so than when used in a live site. I think rarely are add-ons installed without having the main plugin already installed.
@markjaquith Also would like an easier plugin dependency setup for when your plugin is actually an add-on for another plugin, like WooCommerce for example.