@jottes @mattbanks OK, the text label for the closed days, I see now. I’ll have to look into that, in regards to your request on day of week, that is still driven by your WordPress General Settings for Date Format.
@jottes @mattbanks Also, MM/DD/YYYY is. U.S. standard so it’s perhaps strange in other countries but in the U.S. it’s expected. If you can open up a ticket with details and a screenshot that would be the best way to get things looked at. Thanks!
@jottes @mattbanks Where are you seeing this date format? Formats should all be driven by your WordPress General settings.
@mattbanks @jottes I’ll get a ticket opened and look into the crashing issue, this surprises me since there were only development dependency changes. As for a language file can you submit a translation here: translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-pl…
In these uncertain times there is one thing that is certain, there is still a need for clean water. Without clean water it becomes real hard to promote sanitation. I may not be running in a group but I’m still committed to running my own for clean water.… timn.me/2we6pBI
Growth Rate is the key not just current numbers. “if the current numbers of cases and deaths are small when compared with other diseases, a fast growth rate can lead to very large numbers rapidly.” #coronavirus #COVID19 ourworldindata.org/coronavirus
On Saturday I was up at 4:15am to get my 11 miles in before family time. It felt good to get a longer run in and not be so concerned about my pace, though I did have a time limit so that is always an additional motivator. #HWI #Run4Water #WhyIRun #RiverB… timn.me/2U5NmSh