RT @EricMann: With conferences cancelling I’m … out of any community involvement for the rest of the year. Who’s events have gone digita…
@Ipstenu There’s more too the issue than that. It has affected truck drivers too. There are many truck drivers that own their own trucks, and take work based on their terms. With these new laws they are prevented from having that control. Not everyone wants to be an employee.
@mor10 What annoys me also is that even if I am already a subscriber Amazon won’t recognize that subscription unless it’s done through them. Sure I’ll just switch that that other streaming app, but if I’m already on Amazon just let me stay there.
RT @worldhopeorg: Many obstacles can stand in the way of a child receiving an education, but our #ChildSponsorship Program is removing thos…
RT @rajendrazore: My WordPress 5.5 Update Checklist: – Wait for a week or until v5.5.1 – Disable core sitemaps (Use Sitemap from SEO Plug…
@topher1kenobe I got a 6. I’ve always been pretty much willing to try anything. When I was growing up you at what was made for dinner or you didn’t have dinner.
RT @GRMarathon: Check out the latest from Marathon Don and the Grand Rapids Marathon in this week’s newsletter!  Some Days I Don’t Know Wh…
@redcrew I have a hard time not fuming every time I see a Trump sign in someone’s yard, or having any respect for those people. It blows my mind how people can be such blind sheep.