@ravavyr @marktnoonan @roelvangils @yatil Yeah, good point. Until #a11y is taught as an integrated part of the core development process, and not a thing all its own, it will always be a challenge and take extra work.
@ravavyr @roelvangils @yatil So, I want to clear the air here a bit. First, thank you for the work you have done to add #a11y to your web development. Next, I’m not asking for perfection but only that web developers see the importance of it and take part in advocating for it.
@ravavyr @roelvangils @yatil Sorry, but if developers don’t take a stand to push #a11y and tell clients it’s just part of the cost then they are just perpetuating a broken system. I’m sick and tired of hearing all of the excuses to justify delivering crappy products.
@ravavyr @roelvangils @yatil If you have a decent IDE with linting turned on then doing this stuff takes no extra time. I have a hard time with people saying they are a professional when they don’t understand the basics of their field. I’m sorry but you are doing a disservice to the internet.
@mor10 @bamadesigner I can still hear the show theme music. I loved the techno sound it had. I always felt that Airwolf was kind of the helicopter version of Knight Rider.
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@scottbolinger Yeah, I hear you there. I’ve been happy with my Brother. Though I have been tempted to get a new one through Amazon with their automatic refill program, however I’m wondering if it’s the same sort of garbage as the HP program now that I’m reading it’s crazy restrictions.
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